About SeeMeKC
At SeeMeKC, LLC, our goal is a simple one. We work hard to help businesses & people grow!
Our goal is to help businesses utilize social media platforms, email marketing, and their websites to increase visibility.
At SeeMeKC, we want you to be accessible to your clients and potential clients. It is important to develop a loyal following, increase leads, and grow your business.
At See.Me.KC, LLC we want to watch you grow and find web marketing a great tool to grow your business!

A note from Website Designer & Owner, Autumn Mitchell
I am a self-motivated person that believes that the only limits that are placed on us are the ones we place on ourselves. The sky's the limit for anything and everything you want to achieve! I love helping others build businesses! It is my passion and my goal to be a helpful tool in building businesses. It is such an honor to own SeeMeKC.
To me personally is to know I am a Christ follower.
Not a fan of organized religion but love me some Jesus!
I am married to the love of my life and my best friend Kevin. I am a mother to Evan, and stepmother to Bradley. I live in my dream home located outside of Liberty Missouri and love DIY projects.
I love to read, relax at home, be with friends & family, and above all dream of new ways to help others. I love to make people laugh and smile and I feel happy when I know they have left me feeling empowered and had a good laugh!
I feel blessed in every way possible and everyday I wake up thanking God for this opportunity called Life!
A Mitchell
The Staff of SeeMeKC are subcontractors and are private workers.
Photos and Bios are kept private.